Our Vision


“It is finished” – John 19:30

Broken Arrow Wranglers has been working since 2019 to develop a foundational co-op community, directory, and network of services and experiences where people find purpose, healing, and adventure.

Our MISSON is to serve the brokenhearted by restoring health through relational experiences.

We meet people in brokenness and lead to authentic life.

We unite to become a collective outpost and brand for freedom and life in a world of increasing pressure and pain.

We are changing the local culture by creating an environment of honesty through experiencing authentic relationship with God, ourselves and others.

Our goal is to lead people from inner slavery to a life of abundance. We support those who choose to step into the adventure of authentic life. 

We plan to impact the local economy (one at a time) to transform how the mental health pandemic is dealt with at it’s foundation.


We heal horses, heal people, and live free.

We offer a directory of unique experiences (see our growing directory on the main page)

We provide a platform for the community to connect resources, talents and gifts

We offer business services to help people get their dream established and off the ground


We are Wranglers for an authentic life, dirt and all.  We are a community and a co-op. We have found a unique way to connect through empathy and relationship with horses and each other, and we want to share it. 

Ephesians Ch 4 sums this up well

Values – Our Outlaw Belief System

  • We love God, and we love others, even the ones that don’t love us
  • We believe that the unlimited resources of the King are available to us here and now, not when we die physically
  • We move from legalism and law to the freedom in relationship that was purchased for all of us on the cross.
  • We believe that we are all broken, and it is ok to be honest. Sharing our problems and the “shadow” is where we ditch shame, recognize we all fall short…then we can stop the judgment and start living the life that was purchased for us with His blood.
  • Honesty and vulnerability is our currency
  • We give first and trust that God will deliver on His promises
  • We believe in supernatural change in the world
  • We live like we’re free, because we are.
  • You were bought at a price, do not become slaves of men. 1 Corinthians 7:23

How we got here

in 2019, Rob Boyle launched the Rite of Passage empathy based equine programs to reach people dealing with anxiety, depression, ptsd, addiction – and related issues. We quickly found that we are serving a much larger audience than anticipated. Family members, businesspeople, veterans, and all walks of life started attending and finding healing and freedom through our uniquely designed experiences with horses and people.

We have since expanded to offer a range of curriculum and relational encounters that is helping people grow to know their authentic self, both internally and relationship with others. We also found a great need to coordinate with the local community to maintain these relationships and found that we have an abundance of resources as we all united under a common cause and purpose.